V60 Pour Height/Agitation Misunderstanding

V60 Pour Height/Agitation Misunderstanding

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V60 Pour Height/Agitation Misunderstanding

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V60 Pour Height/Agitation Misunderstanding

V60 Pour Height/Agitation Misunderstanding

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

V60 Pour Height/Agitation Misunderstanding

This is just my experience so far but I'd love to hear if anyone has a similar or opposite experience.

For a long time, I was under the impression that less agitation would cause fewer fines to be stirred up and as a result, less clogging was likely to occur. However, after watching James Hoffmann's most recent video of single cup brewing, I noticed he used the highest pour height possible without making it break up into drops and managed to keep the flow rate up.

On trying this, I was surprised to have a brew (that typically finishes at 3:30 at the earliest) finish at 2:30.

In the past I have poured as close to the bed as possible as my Baratza Encore produces a decent amount of fines and I was trying to avoid the clogging that I seemed to be contributing to anyway.

For context, I typically brew with multi-pour brews similar to the 4-6 method and each pour would draw down substantially slower with my previous technique, but seems to be completely equalized with a higher pour and (controlled) increased agitation.

submitted by /u/ThatGuyAustin7
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