I tried the underextracted/overextracted side-to-side pourover comparison

I tried the underextracted/overextracted side-to-side pourover comparison

I tried the underextracted/overextracted side-to-side pourover comparison

I tried the underextracted/overextracted side-to-side pourover comparison

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

I tried the underextracted/overextracted side-to-side pourover comparison

In a very recent thread, someone asked "what is bitter and what is sour?".

In that thread, someone suggests brewing 10g of coffee in 200g water (overextracted, bitter), then 10g coffee in 100g of water and topping up/diluting to 200g (underextracted, sour), and comparing the two.

I struggle a lot with bitter vs sour, and I'm very new to pourovers, so gave this a try today.

The overextracted cup:

  • More "full" (more body?)
  • More of a generic coffee taste

The underextracted cup:

  • More bland
  • More palatable overall

The more I drank, the harder it was to tell them apart. I think this was more down to taste fatigue than temperature.

I used Square Mile's Telila Honey Yukro, roasted 25 days ago, which has "juicy" notes that I have entirely failed to achieve. This is the first bag of beans I've ever used for pour over. I used a Kalita 102 with unbleached filters, and water straight off the boil. Beans ground in a Knock Aerspeed at 2:9.

I would be interested to hear other people's experiences in discerning bitter vs sour, how your palette has grown more refined… and how you achieve the juicy notes advertised in your beans!

submitted by /u/mart0n
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