When recipes call for water temperature, do they mean the temp inside the kettle right before you pour it, or the temp while it brews?

When recipes call for water temperature, do they mean the temp inside the kettle right before you pour it, or the temp while it brews?

When recipes call for water temperature, do they mean the temp inside the kettle right before you pour it, or the temp while it brews?

When recipes call for water temperature, do they mean the temp inside the kettle right before you pour it, or the temp while it brews?

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When recipes call for water temperature, do they mean the temp inside the kettle right before you pour it, or the temp while it brews?

When recipes call for water temperature, do they mean the temp inside the kettle right before you pour it, or the temp while it brews?

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

When recipes call for water temperature, do they mean the temp inside the kettle right before you pour it, or the temp while it brews?

I don't get it. I often see posts/recipes saying that light roasts need to be in the brewed in the 200F zone, but as soon as my cup is filled with water, the temperature has dropped to the low 190s range (in my case, I'm using an aeropress)

So yeah, it drops by nearly 20 degrees by the time the cup is filled. What's the point of recipes calling for 200F+ temp, then?

submitted by /u/lorty
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