Need help dialing in my grind size – and with coffee stuff in general

Know Your Sweeteners: Agave: Part One — Indigenous Use

Known today primarily as a sweetener, agave can be traced back thousands of years. BY EMILY JOY MENESESBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Featured photo by Bruno Cervera via Unsplash Recently, we launched our brand new article series “Know Your Sweeteners,” where we’re discussing a variety of sweeteners and syrups, and analyzing the unique characteristics of each one. […]

Test Drive: Update Your Grinding With More Comandante Grinder Accessories

The popular hand grinder has more to offer with a new line of tools and accessories now available. BY TANYA NANETTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Feature photo by Tanya Nanetti To brew the perfect cup of coffee, it’s important to choose the right coffee equipment. One essential is a reliable coffee grinder. Most coffee lovers start with a […]

Know Your Sweeteners: Agave: Part One — Indigenous Use

Known today primarily as a sweetener, agave can be traced back thousands of years. BY EMILY JOY MENESESBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Featured photo by Bruno Cervera via Unsplash Recently, we launched our brand new article series “Know Your Sweeteners,” where we’re discussing a variety of sweeteners and syrups, and analyzing the unique characteristics of each one. […]

Playing Leaderboard, the Arcade-Inspired Coffee Game

We sat down to try the newest version of the game—a fun opportunity to learn more about coffee while vying for cool coffee prizes.  BY TANYA NANETTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos by Tanya Nanetti I’ve never been much into video games, except for the classic arcade games of my youth.   Growing up in the ‘80s meant […]

Need help dialing in my grind size – and with coffee stuff in general

Need help dialing in my grind size – and with coffee stuff in general

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

Need help dialing in my grind size – and with coffee stuff in general

Recently started grinding my own coffee and I have a few doubts regarding the terminology used in specialty coffee (pourover/filter coffee specifically) –

  1. When we say a coffee/brew is sweet – is it referring to the absence of bitterness or is it an actual perception of a sweet taste we are referring to?

  2. When we say a cup is balanced – does it mean there’s absolutely no bitterness to it, or does it mean that acid vs bitterness are sort of balanced out? When James Hoffman or others refer to ‘the bitter wall’ that occurs because of grinding too fine – is that referring to the appearance of bitterness or is it referring to it being bitter to the point of not being able to taste anything else?

I’ve never had specialty coffee from a proper cafe, and that might not happen anytime soon because of my current work situation – so I have no point of reference.

I recently got a Timemore C2 and Hario Switch and a bag of medium roasted coffee and have been playing around with grind size – I’ve had cups that tasted sour but still had quite apparent bitterness, and I’ve had cups that had some bitterness but tasted flat otherwise. Grind size has ranged from 14-20 but I haven’t been able to zero in on a single best cup.

I generally brew 15 gms to 250 ml, bloom with about 45-50ml for 45 seconds, pour the rest of the water in, let it steep up to total brew time hits 2:15, give it a small stir – wait for 30 seconds and then let it draw down. Draw down takes about 45 ish seconds generally (total brew time in the 3:30 -3:50 range)

submitted by /u/BoozeyDoc
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