Moccamaster Cup One, the best kept secret in coffee?

Moccamaster Cup One, the best kept secret in coffee?

Moccamaster Cup One, the best kept secret in coffee?

Moccamaster Cup One, the best kept secret in coffee?

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Moccamaster Cup One, the best kept secret in coffee?

Moccamaster Cup One, the best kept secret in coffee?

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Moccamaster Cup One, the best kept secret in coffee?

I’ve been doing pour overs for about 8ish years now and this past year, I’ve been getting a little tired of it. My past experience with drip machines were that they left a lot out that I could get with a V60 pour over so I continued on with pour overs. Recently, I bought a Moccamaster Cup One, I’ve read a lot of mixed reviews on it, either it’s great or it sucks and I’m in the it’s great camp!.

If I pour the water to the line on the machine, it’s 300ml so I weight out 18 grams and it does an amazing job if I just hit the button and it does it’s thing, not as good as a pour over a bit muted but really really great for how simple it is.

BUT if I wait about 40 seconds after turning it on there’s enough water in the brew bed for me to stir, then I leave it alone until the machine is done pouring the water, you’ll hear a click that it turned off, I then give the brewer a swirl and the end result is, imo, a pour over quality cup. This hack has been known for awhile by others who came up with it years ago and it does make a difference. But it does have more body to it than the V60s that I’m used to, so… hack #2!

I decided to try out a V60 with the Moccamaster Cup One. I wait 40 secs stir the bloom and when it turns off I swirl the V60. It’s really nothing to do this and it’s very close to set it and leave it for the most part but by doing this I get a really great and satisfying V60 cup every time.

If I could go back in time 8 years ago, I’d tell myself don’t bother buying all the pour over stuff. Buy a Moccamaster Cup One, a V60 brewer, a great filter focused grinder, use distilled water with TWW or whatever brand. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for and regret not trying it out sooner, it’s so nice to have a machine do most of the work for me without losing in cup quality of a pour over.

Honestly, I think this little machine is the best kept secret in the coffee world, there’s little out there about it, low sales in the past had them pull it from the market but it’s absolutely amazing!

submitted by /u/Canuck034
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