Is my understanding of acidic/ sweet/ bitter extraction correct?

Is my understanding of acidic/ sweet/ bitter extraction correct?

Is my understanding of acidic/ sweet/ bitter extraction correct?

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Is my understanding of acidic/ sweet/ bitter extraction correct?

Is my understanding of acidic/ sweet/ bitter extraction correct?

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Is my understanding of acidic/ sweet/ bitter extraction correct?

I am just starting to learn how to brew coffee.
And I see a lot of said coffee extract from acidic to sweet to bitter.
(A lot of conflicting information too… )
From what I understand, you can't really make a brew "less acidic", but extract more non-acidic components so the overall taste is feeling less acidic(you still have the same amount of acidic components in the cup).
In other words, there's no way to have less easy-to-extract components and more harder-to-extract ones.
One can only change the balance unless doing something like dumping your bloom.

If my understanding is wrong, is there any recommended material for me to read?

submitted by /u/snd200x
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