Is my Comandante misaligned or is this normal behaviour?

Is my Comandante misaligned or is this normal behaviour?

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Is my Comandante misaligned or is this normal behaviour?

Is my Comandante misaligned or is this normal behaviour?

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Is my Comandante misaligned or is this normal behaviour?


I've noticed that recently grinding for pourover on my Comandante MK3 grinder results in a weird distribution in grind size. Most of the particles are rather small, but there are quite a lot of outliers which are rather bouldery. It's also worth noticing that usually, the boulders are grouped on one side of the collecting jar (see in the photos – there, I ground at 20 clicks with the default axle, not the red clix one). This happens quite a lot when I grind at over ~16-17 clicks. I read their FAQ where they say that the grinder is considered aligned if the burrs don't touch each other at over 7-8 clicks (can't remember which exactly). In general, I don't notice any burr touching, but every once in a while, I finish grinding a batch of coffee at let's say 20 clicks and I can hear some sort of touching of the burrs for some time (if I rotate the handle with the grinder empty for another 30 seconds, the first 20 I can hear it, but if I lightly smack the grinder from the side, it stops).

My question is, does this look like a normal grind result to you or should I look into sending the grinder to comandante to maybe realign it? I know that no grinder is perfect and I don't expect 100% consistency and I expect the inconsistency to get worse I as grind coarser. I've also noticed this with multiple coffee beans from different roasters, so I don't think it's something specific to a certain coffee batch. I do clean my grinder often and it should be reassembled correctly, since I followed the tutorial from comandante on how to clean it and put it back together.

Thank you

submitted by /u/Broken_Boy_Toy
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