Instant coffee supposedly with best environmental footprint?? How is instant coffee being produced?

Instant coffee supposedly with best environmental footprint?? How is instant coffee being produced?

Instant coffee supposedly with best environmental footprint?? How is instant coffee being produced?

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Understanding the Process: Koji Fermentation

Continuing our series on coffee processing, we learn about koji fermentation, a unique process usually associated with the brewing of sake. BY TANYA NANETTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos courtesy of Forest Coffee If brewed properly, a cup of coffee can offer countless variations of flavor and aroma. The quality and complexity of these attributes depend on many different […]

Instant coffee supposedly with best environmental footprint?? How is instant coffee being produced?

Instant coffee supposedly with best environmental footprint?? How is instant coffee being produced?

Instant coffee supposedly with best environmental footprint?? How is instant coffee being produced?

minimum dose size?

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Instant coffee supposedly with best environmental footprint?? How is instant coffee being produced?

So there was this article recently on about environmental footprints of different ways to prepare coffee:

And they came to the conclusion, that instant coffee has the best environmental footprint.

I found this hard to believe, since the production of instant coffee involves a number of energy intensive extra steps. So I had a deeper look at the sources they used in the article.

Apparently this 2009 article was foundational for their analysis:

Humbert et al, "Life cycle assessment of spray dried soluble coffee and comparison with alternatives (drip filter and capsule espresso)" (probably behind a paywall for most of you?)

Included in this study is the table you find below. Consider the marked line: As far as I understand it they calculate with 2,22 kg of green coffee to produce 1 kg of instant coffee.

Is that a realistic assumption? I find that very hard to believe, I researched a little bit and came to the conclusion, that they would need much more than 2,22 kg of green coffee to produce 1 kg of instant coffee.

Anyway, this ratio is key why in their analysis instant coffee has the best environmental footprint.

But perhaps they made a mistake here?

So anyone here can shed light to this question?

submitted by /u/stimmen
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