I made someone coffee and they said it was more bitter than Starbucks

I made someone coffee and they said it was more bitter than Starbucks

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I made someone coffee and they said it was more bitter than Starbucks

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From Malawi to Edinburgh: The MF Coffee Project

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I made someone coffee and they said it was more bitter than Starbucks

Interest in coffee & health is rising – what do consumers need to know?

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María Andrée Is Honing Olfactory Skills in Antigua 

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I made someone coffee and they said it was more bitter than Starbucks

I made someone coffee and they said it was more bitter than Starbucks

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

I made someone coffee and they said it was more bitter than Starbucks

I’m a bit confused. I get starbucks probably once every couple of months when there’s nothing else available and it is quite unpleasant to me most of the time. Their blonde roast is pretty good, but everything else is a bit too bitter for me.

Today I made a cappuccino for someone who really likes starbucks and who said that they don’t really like bitter coffee. I made them a cappuccino with my favorite light roast bean from a local roaster. Pulled it at 1:2.5 ratio to get it more balanced so that it wasn’t too fruity.

They were afraid to taste it because of the bitter coffee thing they mentioned before and they said they didn’t really like it since it was too bitter. No big deal, but it got me really confused.

I also really hate bitter coffee. That’s why I’ve gravitated to light roasts and mostly make coffee at home. The coffee I made that day I ended up drinking and it was really good to me. I’ve made coffee for a lot of other people and it was the same experience.

I was wondering in this case is it a bitter/acid confusion thing? Or is my taste just really weird? For context I’m using a Breville Dual Boiler and Niche Zero. Timing and weighing every shot. I’ve tasted a lot of coffee in my area (Seattle) which I think has pretty good coffee.

submitted by /u/ArtisticEnergy9065
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