Event Manager looking for advice on airpot brewers for coffee service

Event Manager looking for advice on airpot brewers for coffee service

Bypass coffee brewing: How can it improve extraction?

There is a lot of science to brewing coffee. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, we trigger – and try to control – an almost endless number of chemical reactions to achieve the perfect extraction. To do so, we have to tweak different variables – such as grind size, temperature, and coffee-to-water ratio – to get the […]

Exploring the Potential of Drones in Coffee Production 

New drone technology has the potential to revolutionize coffee farming from the air. BY VASILEIA FANARIOTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Cover photo by David Henrichs via Unsplash In an ever-evolving technological landscape, coffee producers have begun turning to drones in an attempt to increase efficiency and operations. These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) offer a wide range of […]

Why it’s easier for wealthier producers to grow specialty coffee

It takes money – and sometimes a lot – to grow specialty coffee. Producers not only need to continuously maintain and improve quality and yields, but they also have to invest back into their farms. Whether it’s replacing equipment and machinery or planting more resilient varieties, producers need to turn a profit to operate their […]

Understanding the Process: Koji Fermentation

Continuing our series on coffee processing, we learn about koji fermentation, a unique process usually associated with the brewing of sake. BY TANYA NANETTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos courtesy of Forest Coffee If brewed properly, a cup of coffee can offer countless variations of flavor and aroma. The quality and complexity of these attributes depend on many different […]

Event Manager looking for advice on airpot brewers for coffee service

Event Manager looking for advice on airpot brewers for coffee service

A Recap of The Barista League’s Mystery Coffee Vacation in Colombia

The Barista League’s Mystery Coffee Vacation in Colombia is over, and we’ve got the scoop on all the fun! BY VASILEIA FANARIOTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos courtesy of Vasileia Fanarioti and Juan Henao During the last week of February, the 2022 Barista League champions gathered in Colombia for this year’s Mystery Coffee Vacation. It was an […]

Know Your Sweeteners: Honey: Part One

Not all sweeteners are made equal! In this series, we’ll take a closer look at different types of sweeteners and syrups—starting with honey. BY EMILY JOY MENESESBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Featured photo by Arwin Neil Baichoo via Unsplash Though you can’t go wrong with simple syrup or the tried-and-true vanilla, there are many options when it […]

A Recap of The Barista League’s Mystery Coffee Vacation in Colombia

The Barista League’s Mystery Coffee Vacation in Colombia is over, and we’ve got the scoop on all the fun! BY VASILEIA FANARIOTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos courtesy of Vasileia Fanarioti and Juan Henao During the last week of February, the 2022 Barista League champions gathered in Colombia for this year’s Mystery Coffee Vacation. It was an […]

How do you roast coffee for milk?

It’s impossible to deny just how popular milk-based coffee drinks (such as the flat white, latte, and cappuccino) are in coffee shops around the world. According to 2020 data from Project Café USA, the latte was the most ordered drink in the UK, and the third-most popular beverage in US coffee shops. In line with […]

Event Manager looking for advice on airpot brewers for coffee service

Event Manager looking for advice on airpot brewers for coffee service

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

Event Manager looking for advice on airpot brewers for coffee service

Hi everyone, new here so hopefully I've landed in the right spot. Our company is looking to add coffee service as an offering to our clients and I am working out all the details and associated costs. I've been looking at brewers that drip into airpots and I'm curious if anyone has any input for what type is best for that kind of service.

Our events are usually 150-250 people, oftentimes weddings. I've been reading a lot about the amount of products needed, I've got it all diagramed out and all hypothetic margins calculated. The one thing that I'm kind of stuck on (due to my unfamiliarity with them) is the brewers. We have some 2.2L airpots and I would imagine that we'd need to brew 50 cups per hour over 2-3 hours. I saw some that were ~$250 from Bunn (their base model I believe) as well as, ya know, $4,000 ones that obviously I'm not interested in.

So my question is, what's the best kind of brewer to use in regards to cost effectiveness and longevity/ease of use? Should I just get a normal, large coffee pot and fill the airpots, or should I get a brewer that dispenses directly into the airpots? Looking for ease of use for my staff (they're grumpy bartenders), mobility (I don't want to tap into any water lines), ease of cleaning, etc. Is there anyone here that could maybe point me in the right direction? I'd appreciate any help as I've already scoured the internet and I heard you guys really like coffee around here. Please help me haha.

Thanks so much for reading and any helpful replies!

submitted by /u/QuoteExecutiveQuote
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