Calibration after swapping M2 burr into Encore

Calibration after swapping M2 burr into Encore

Calibration after swapping M2 burr into Encore

Calibration after swapping M2 burr into Encore

Calibration after swapping M2 burr into Encore

minimum dose size?

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Calibration after swapping M2 burr into Encore

i got a new Baratza encore and immediately took it apart to upgrade it for the M2.

Now I’ve noticed that the settings that are recommended for a V60 (18-20) is extremely fine and ends up creating sludge and clogging.

Has anyone had this experience? is it possible that something can go wrong in the disassembly/reassembly that messes with the calibration?

I know I can calibrate using the white ring but that’s not the question. it’s more about whether something could go wrong in the reassembly process. thanks!

submitted by /u/4theloveofcoffeee
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