Are there any good instant coffee brands at big box stores like Walmart (in the US)?

Are there any good instant coffee brands at big box stores like Walmart (in the US)?

Are there any good instant coffee brands at big box stores like Walmart (in the US)?

Are there any good instant coffee brands at big box stores like Walmart (in the US)?

Are there any good instant coffee brands at big box stores like Walmart (in the US)?

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

Are there any good instant coffee brands at big box stores like Walmart (in the US)?

I recently went on a rabbit trail of instant coffee concoctions on YouTube, and bought some Folgers Instant Coffee to try it out. I actually quite enjoyed some of the instant coffee lattes I've been trying, but I know Folgers is generally considered pretty low quality in the coffee world, so I was wondering if there are any higher quality alternatives that are readily available at stores (and preferably that don't cost an arm and a leg).

I've really only ever had cheap coffee, so the bar is set pretty low. The thing that entices me about instant coffee is the convenience. I have a coffee pot on a timer I use for mornings, but for other times I don't always want to bother with brewing an entire pot of coffee when I need a pick me up, or if I want some coffee at night on occasion, having some instant decaf is convenient.

If there really isn't anything worth considering at someplace like Walmart, what alternative would you suggest?

submitted by /u/Wreckit-Jon
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