Trouble dialing in Costa Rica Las Lajas V60

Trouble dialing in Costa Rica Las Lajas V60

Trouble dialing in Costa Rica Las Lajas V60

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Trouble dialing in Costa Rica Las Lajas V60

Trouble dialing in Costa Rica Las Lajas V60

minimum dose size?

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Trouble dialing in Costa Rica Las Lajas V60

I recently bought a 2lb bag of Costa Rica Las Lajas Natural from Onyx. However, I’m having significant trouble dialing this in on my plastic V60. I’ll tell you what I’m doing, and maybe you guys can help me dial in this coffee correctly.

Currently, I’m using Hoffman’s new one-cup V60 method which is 15g/250g @ 205° water (I’m using 02 Hario tabbed filters). Currently, my Fellow Ode is set to one notch above 2. In the past, I’ve ground this coffee all the way from 2 notches above 1 all the way to 2 notches above 3. In other words, I’ve gone from essentially medium-fine/fine to medium-coarse. In all of my cups, especially on the finer grind sizes, the coffee seems very muddled, and on the coarser grind sizes, the coffee seems very sour. This coffee drains extremely quickly, btw.

What do you think I could do? Should I increase my dose to 20g? Should I do something else? I’ve reached out to Onyx, but they aren’t any help.

Update: Would using a flat bottom Kalita Wave be better for this coffee than a conical V60? Onyx suggests so.

submitted by /u/Snoo-57282
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