How can I avoid wasting coffee when making for the first time cold brew?

How can I avoid wasting coffee when making for the first time cold brew?

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How can I avoid wasting coffee when making for the first time cold brew?

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How can I avoid wasting coffee when making for the first time cold brew?

How can I avoid wasting coffee when making for the first time cold brew?

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

How can I avoid wasting coffee when making for the first time cold brew?

In espresso is easy. If 17gr go in, 32 should come out in ~28 seconds. Cool. Try once, or twice, adjust the ginder setting and perhaps "waste" 34 gr of coffee on the process.

Cold brew requires 50gr of coffee. I fear I might need a couple tries to get it right and thus waste too much coffee until I hit the sweet spot. Is there any way to avoid this? Also, how can I know when a cold brew is good? Taste wise I have no references so it's kind of hard to measure it.

EDIT: So the general consensus is that it's hard to ruin a cold brew and whatever the result is, it will be drinkable and a good learning experience.

I have a followup question though. Water. I use tap water for the espresso machine and I live in an area with quite heavy water (Barcelona). I intended to try cold brew with bottled water, though it makes me wonder if I should use bottled water for espresso or tap water is fine for cold brew.

Finally, I just checked the manual of the glass bottle with filter that I bought for cold brew. It states to use 55gr (some of you asked why 50 gr, here is why). What I also found interesting is that it's stated that once cold brew is done, it should be drinked in 2-3 days or the resulting brew will oxidised. Opinions on this?

submitted by /u/sartox12
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