Hario Switch users: fine grind and short steep or coarser grind and long steep?

Hario Switch users: fine grind and short steep or coarser grind and long steep?

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Hario Switch users: fine grind and short steep or coarser grind and long steep?

Hario Switch users: fine grind and short steep or coarser grind and long steep?

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Hario Switch users: fine grind and short steep or coarser grind and long steep?

I’ve been using my switch a ton lately and have been doing a little experimenting to see what gives me a better tasting cup.

Initially when I first bought it awhile back I always used it very similarly to James Hoffmann’s daily driver video – grind size on the fine end of medium, 2 minute steep, break crust & let settle, open switch for a minute to a minute and a half drawdown for a total brew time of 3:30-4:00. The cups were always pretty good and consistent but nothing outrageous.

Lately I’ve been grinding on the coarse end of medium, a much longer steep at around 5 minutes, break crust and let settle, open switch for about a 45 second draw down with a total of about 6:15-6:30 brew time. I find my cups to be much more flavorful with more complexity and a bit more flavor separation. The tasting notes seem to be much more defined and easily selectable.

While the longer brew time isn’t quite as convenient, it definitely is my preferred cup. On days I’m in a rush the shorter brew is a good tool to have in the arsenal for sure.

I’m curious about you folks out there, which do you prefer? What do you typically do? What’s your recipe of choice? Has your experience mirrored mine or have you found the opposite to be true?

Edit to add: I always keep all over variables the same. 1:16 brew ratio, pre heated brewer, and boiling water. Grinding on my very well & self aligned lido 3.

submitted by /u/nameisjoey
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