mythos clima pro issues. please help!

Medium-sized farms play an important role in specialty coffee

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mythos clima pro issues. please help!

3 Elements Coffee: Supporting Veterans, One Cup at a Time  

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10 Minutes With Keith Hawkins of the Color of Coffee Collective

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Congrats to the Top-Ranking Qualifiers at U.S. CoffeeChamps Denver

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mythos clima pro issues. please help!

mythos clima pro issues. please help!

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

mythos clima pro issues. please help!

Hello coffee people, I'm hoping someone out there can help me troubleshoot a mythos clima pro that has a whole host of issues.

One of our grinders just will not consistently dose a shot no matter what I do. I just changed the burrs so I know that's not the issue, I also regularly deep clean them.

There's a bunch of things I've noticed that don't seem right with the grinder aside from the actual dosage.. – We have two shops and both have the same grinder. We use the same espresso in both shops, same espresso machine, same profiles, etc but this one takes twice as long to grind the same weight for the same profile as the one in our other shop. We are constantly having to go finer on the shots and increase the time on the grinder to get the same results. – the actual burrs don't spin nearly as freely on this one as the one that is working well. When I do a deep clean the good one will spin for quite a while when I spin it by hand. This one if I spin it it stops much faster. I'm assuming this is a bearing issue? – The adjustment knob on the one that doesn't work well is much harder to turn than the good one and it isn't smooth. There's some friction to it

This machine is about 4 years old and gets used pretty heavily so I'm certain that something needs to get replaced.

Any advice would help, it's hard to find info online for these it seems. Thanks!

submitted by /u/nortron23
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