Would you start with a hand grinder?

Would you start with a hand grinder?

Would you start with a hand grinder?

Would you start with a hand grinder?

Unique Collection in Switzerland Offers a Look at Coffee’s Rich History

Anita Vietri’s Coffee Culture Collection chronicles the brew’s journey through 1,500 artifacts. BY VASILEIA FANARIOTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos courtesy of Anita Vietri In the rich tapestry of coffee culture, there exists a hidden gem—an extraordinary collection that chronicles the captivating history of our beloved brew. Today, we meet Anita Vietri, an ardent coffee enthusiast and […]

How do you roast coffee for milk?

It’s impossible to deny just how popular milk-based coffee drinks (such as the flat white, latte, and cappuccino) are in coffee shops around the world. According to 2020 data from Project Café USA, the latte was the most ordered drink in the UK, and the third-most popular beverage in US coffee shops. In line with […]

An Unfiltered History of Vietnamese Coffee

We explore the history of coffee in Vietnam and how the industry’s perception of Vietnamese coffee is evolving.  BY EMILY MENESES BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Featured photo by frank mckenna via Unsplash What do you think of when you hear the term “Vietnamese coffee”? For Kim Dam, founder of Portland Cà Phê, it extends far beyond […]

Sumatra Coffee Farmers See Gains Through Agroforestry and Organic Fertilizer

Farmers in Indonesia’s Lampung province are making their own organic fertilizer in order to lessen reliance on volatile external supply chains. They’ve also diversified the number of crops they grow,…

Would you start with a hand grinder?

Would you start with a hand grinder?

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

Would you start with a hand grinder?

Excuse the long-winded approach to my question but I'd like to give you some back story. So I attended an introductory coffee course, I was very well impressed. We discussed coffee sources, different tree varieties, fermentation processes, drying, and roasting. It ended with a coffee cupping session to help identify specialty coffee vs commercial store-bought coffee. The course was delivered by an SCA accredited person. They knew what they were doing.

I was oogling all the awesome coffee gadgetry – Rocket Espresso Cronometro R, Mahlkönig EK-43S, Kalifa, Fellow, Hario and Timemore.

So naturally I popped the question where do I start? right now with budgetary and location constraints I can only have a pour-over kit and was looking at getting a Timemore Chestnut ESP Hand Grinder to start with. I feel it is a rite of passage that can lead into a lovely yet expensive rabbit hole of a hobby

The person said not to waste my money on a 150Eur hand grinder as it'll be rendered useless further down the line when I can increase my budget and switch to a better electric grinder.

Anywho just wanted to see if you faithful coffee enthusiasts agree with that logic.

submitted by /u/XahX88
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