[Question][Gear]The harder I try the worse my V60 is 🙁

[Question][Gear]The harder I try the worse my V60 is 🙁

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[Question][Gear]The harder I try the worse my V60 is 🙁

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[Question][Gear]The harder I try the worse my V60 is 🙁

[Question][Gear]The harder I try the worse my V60 is 🙁

minimum dose size?

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[Question][Gear]The harder I try the worse my V60 is 🙁

I have a V60 decanter, gooseneck kettle, and Capresso Infinity grinder at the moment. I am using the Hoffman V60 recipe, as far as I can tell, as closely as possible to what he does. I usually switch between Colombian and African coffees, currently going through a bag of Yirgacheffee that I cannot nail. This is what my most recent coffee bed looks like, about 3 hours afterwards. Eyeballing it, it looks way courser than would be reasonable, but literally a single click in either direction on my grinder seems to be making my recent cups extraordinarily bitter or sour, or paradoxically both at the same time. Today's cup tasted fairly empty, and a bit bitter, at about a 2:30 drawdown, so I do not really want to grind finer.

I had been thinking for some time that there might be some intangible to the Hoffman method, not directly addressed in the video, but I am reasonably certain I am performing it precisely as expected, unless the actual pouring technique itself has a lot of nuance I could be missing beyond maintaining the flow rate he describes.

The only other thing I can think of is that perhaps it could be indicative of dull burrs; I had not realized with the weird COVID-flow of time, but I'm reasonably certain I've been making coffee with my Infinity every single day for around 5.5 years at this point. So I guess where that leaves me is, do y'all think I could be missing something with my technique? Should I replace the burrs in my capresso, or upgrade outright? I make pourover 90% of the time, aeropress/Mokapot the other 10%. Interested in French Press in the future but don't presently own one. I'm willing to upgrade or get a hand grinder I just want to make sure it is worth the investment for someone who is almost exclusively making pourover with zero interest in breaking into Espresso at the moment. Thank you very much!

submitted by /u/CuteApartment
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