Places in Dallas DFW for tasting/cupping?

Places in Dallas DFW for tasting/cupping?

Places in Dallas DFW for tasting/cupping?

Places in Dallas DFW for tasting/cupping?

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

Places in Dallas DFW for tasting/cupping?

Looking for places in the DFW area that put on cupping/tasting events. I've never participated in such a tasting, and I'd like to take my coffee tasting ability to the next level.

On a related note, I'm looking for retail shops in the same area that are really serious about their coffee/espresso game. What I mean is, places that have baristas that are truly invested and knowledgeable about their craft, and use those skills daily to produce the best possible results. A place where James Hoffman would take a sip of espresso and say "That's really tasty!". A place where their espresso has been dialed in to perfection, and people and equipment that can extract that perfection every time.

I know it's really two different asks, but please feel free to reply with info on either or both. I'm currently mostly into pour overs and cappuccino/latte when drinking in cafes, but I'm interested in just trying espresso if I can get some really stellar cups. Ascension is my favorite place, but I also get great cups from Liberation, so those are my baselines.

submitted by /u/bznelson91
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