Philips Series 3200 Espresso superautomatic observations

Philips Series 3200 Espresso superautomatic observations

Philips Series 3200 Espresso superautomatic observations

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Philips Series 3200 Espresso superautomatic observations

Philips Series 3200 Espresso superautomatic observations

minimum dose size?

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Philips Series 3200 Espresso superautomatic observations

Hey folks,

I just recently acquired the 3200 Series Espresso maker from Philips and I thought I'd share my observations to see how they align with other owners' experience of this superautomatic machine and possibly get some tips for better machine performance.

  1. The aroma setting actually seems to control how much ground bean is added to the brew group (as measured by grind time in seconds). By my measurements: lowest aroma = 8s, highest aroma = 10s (actual measurements 8.5s and 10.2s)
  2. I only get well-formed "pucks" of spent grinds when using the highest aroma setting (still very wet)
  3. Any aroma setting less than the highest results in a sludge that sticks to the brew group's discharge ramp and must be rinsed away after every use.
  4. I can get a less-wet puck of spent grinds if I use pre-ground beans tamped in the scoop. (Measured to be approx 8g of ground coffee)

I'm using "medium full body" beans from a local roaster called Bridgehead, for anyone in Ottawa, it's the Logdriver Espresso roast.

Overall, the espresso that's being delivered seems fine to me (admittedly I'm no expert in this regard), but I'm a bit disappointed with the fact that I'm constantly tending to the brew group.

I am wondering if this is normal for the machine (if not, should I seek a replacement?) or if my choice of bean is to blame? I would expect that regardless of the aroma setting, the spent grounds should be 'dry' enough to slide into the waste bin on their own.

submitted by /u/antigenx
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