Need to share my new French press method!

Need to share my new French press method!

Need to share my new French press method!

Need to share my new French press method!

minimum dose size?

I use the Hario switch to brew my coffee and am trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. Hence I would like to brew smaller cups of coffee. I am currently using 10g of coffee with 160g of water. (1:16 Ratio) I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of coffee...

Need to share my new French press method!

I have been tweaking my French press method for a few months now to try and achieve the best cup of coffee possible, and today I can honestly say what I am drinking now is absolutely bliss! I start by boiling a pot of bottled water. Once that water is at rolling boil, grind the coffee. I only use dark roast whole beans, preferably Italian of French roast. I use a median coarse grind. Enough grind so there is a little fluff towards the bottom but some chuckies on top. I use 3/4 cup of coffee. The grind is very important! Also, grind right before you add water, do not let it sit in the grinder for more than 30 sec. Set a timer for 5 min and start the timer. Add just enough water to cover the top of the coffee in the press. Put the top on to hold the heat, wait 45 seconds. Then add just a little more water, about the same amount you put in to cover the coffee the first time. then repat that until it's a little bit over a 25 oz. Around 26-28 oz. After the time goes off, SLOWLY press the coffee. It takes me around a min to press the coffee. I like to use vanilla extract and heavy cream with a good amount of golden sugar. I know some people will hate me for the cream and sugar but that's the way I like it. This is the absolute best cup of joe every time, never fails. I thought I would share this bit of knowledge and preference to the world. Enjoy!

submitted by /u/Selective-thinking
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