Go Fund Bean Wage Survey Identifies Disparities in Pay, Benefits

Go Fund Bean Wage Survey Identifies Disparities in Pay, Benefits

Florencia y Fortunata: A Café Empowering Women in Peru

The Cusco café, founded by Carolina Peralta Minaya, sells coffee from women producers and features women demonstrating their skills behind the bar. BY JORDAN BUCHANANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Carolina Peralta Minaya Traceability, sustainability, and conscientiousness are key values pervading the specialty-coffee trade. For many consumers and traders, these values inform their decision to […]

Why it’s easier for wealthier producers to grow specialty coffee

It takes money – and sometimes a lot – to grow specialty coffee. Producers not only need to continuously maintain and improve quality and yields, but they also have to invest back into their farms. Whether it’s replacing equipment and machinery or planting more resilient varieties, producers need to turn a profit to operate their […]

A Look at Digital Coffee Future’s Digital Origin Education Program

The new program connects coffee producers to one another, provides them with educational resources, and more. BY VASILEIA FANARIOTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos courtesy of the Cocaerol, Comal & Amprocal cooperatives in Honduras Since 2021, Digital Coffee Future (DCF) has been working on a digital training program to address the needs of coffee producers. In September […]

Know Your Sweeteners: Agave: Part One — Indigenous Use

Known today primarily as a sweetener, agave can be traced back thousands of years. BY EMILY JOY MENESESBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Featured photo by Bruno Cervera via Unsplash Recently, we launched our brand new article series “Know Your Sweeteners,” where we’re discussing a variety of sweeteners and syrups, and analyzing the unique characteristics of each one. […]

Go Fund Bean Wage Survey Identifies Disparities in Pay, Benefits

Breaking New Ground: A Sicilian Coffee Plantation, Part 2

The Morettino family has successfully cultivated a coffee plantation right in Sicily. Next on the agenda: making the island an international coffee hub. BY JOSEPH PHELANSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Feature photo by Tomas Anton Escobar via Unsplash Editor’s note: Check out part one of this story here. Andrea Morettino’s family has proven that coffee […]

Know Your Sweeteners: Honey: Part Two

We continue our deep dive into honey, bringing to light environmental and animal rights concerns related to the product, and how the industry is addressing them. BY EMILY JOY MENESESBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Feature photo via Unsplash This week we started our discussion of honey, uncovering how it’s produced, the differences between varieties of honey, and […]

Florencia y Fortunata: A Café Empowering Women in Peru

The Cusco café, founded by Carolina Peralta Minaya, sells coffee from women producers and features women demonstrating their skills behind the bar. BY JORDAN BUCHANANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Carolina Peralta Minaya Traceability, sustainability, and conscientiousness are key values pervading the specialty-coffee trade. For many consumers and traders, these values inform their decision to […]

Design Details: A Petit Le Café Coffee in Midtown Manhattan

Welcome to Design Details, an ongoing editorial feature in Daily Coffee News focused on individual examples of coffee shop architecture, interior design, packaging design or branding. If you are a coffee…

Go Fund Bean Wage Survey Identifies Disparities in Pay, Benefits

Go Fund Bean Wage Survey Identifies Disparities in Pay, Benefits

Fruity coffee

I recently visited a coffee plantation and bought a bag there. They sold their bags there with labels on how the bean was processed. This “Natural” processed coffee is incredible. It’s fruity. It doesn’t have that like signature “burnt” flavor coffee has. It almost...

Different espresso recipe?

I work at a cafe where they are using a dark roast blend and they are pulling 32g from a 18g dose for espresso. Strangely however, they pull it in 6 seconds instead of the usual 20s-30s. I’m not sure why they don’t use the standard recipe and am too afraid to ask...

Drip Coffee – Does the machine matter?

Hello, Everyone! I am in a bit of a predicament and would like some guidance. For context - I am still an amateur coffee guy. I have begun to dabble in the coffee world and am slowly building my knowledge. A few years back, I began to explore quality coffee and get...

UK coffee bean recommendations

Hi. Can anyone recommend some companies that do speciality beans. I’ve tried a fair few but I like to rotate and try something new. Here’s a few I’ve tried, some do really good coffee, some I thought were just ok: - Hasbean - Horsham - Perky Blenders - North Star -...

Go Fund Bean Wage Survey Identifies Disparities in Pay, Benefits

barista latte art

Nearly half (49%) of hourly workers in the coffee retail and roasting industries “cannot comfortably pay their bills every month,” according to the results of the inaugural coffee industry wage…

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