Fellow French Press: The Brewing Beauty Everyone’s Waited For

Fellow French Press: The Brewing Beauty Everyone’s Waited For

Fellow French Press: The Brewing Beauty Everyone’s Waited For

Fellow French Press: The Brewing Beauty Everyone’s Waited For

Fellow French Press: The Brewing Beauty Everyone’s Waited For

Coffee beans from Costco

I’ve bought the espresso blend by Kirkland and I don’t hate it. Just wanted other’s thoughts on whole beans from Costco? If you have a preference. submitted by /u/runningiswhatido [link] [comments]

Budget espresso setup

I finally made the plunge this weekend! How did I do? Got these for a total of $500 on Facebook marketplace, and they threw in a set of springs for the gaggia and the bottemless filter. Grinder is ascaso I-mini, it’s a perfect size because of the limited space in my...

Inexplicably haunted by Sour Coffee

For the past year I have been attempting to fix a constant weird sourness in my cup. I have tried different brewers (French Press, Moka Pot, Espresso machine [cheap]), each producing sour, over acidic coffee. I have tried different beans and roasts. Whole bean and pre...

Coffee Shop to buy or not to buy

So I have the opportunity to buy an existing coffee shop. It's a coffee shop that's been going for 10+ years, constantly filled with people, and most importantly great coffee. I will be getting access to financials in the next couple of weeks and hopefully,...

Convention Booth questions

I have an opportunity to have a booth at a local coffee festival! We are extremely excited about this, because we are small business and we could really use the visibility. This being my first time running a booth I’m a little nervous. So I’m wondering has anyone ever...

Cafe Culture Around the World

I recently read somewhere that much of the cafes in Seoul are very much style over substance (meaning they invest more in interior aesthetics than the quality of their brews) as opposed to somewhere like Berlin where I have heard mostly positive things from both...

Drying out Coffee overnight, worth it?

Every time my mother gets a new bag of coffee beans, the first thing she does is get some paper towels and lay out all the beans between 2 large sets of paper towels overnight. Next morning, there's clearly oil absorbed by the beans and they look less oily....

macchiato confusion

Hello! My apologies if this question is dumb. So I was under the impression that a macchiato was a shot of espresso “marked” with a dollop of milk: thus very small in a little espresso cup. Have people changed the meaning of this beverage? I keep seeing people showing...

Fellow French Press: The Brewing Beauty Everyone’s Waited For

According to the manufacturer, “Clara is your forever French press.” We put this to the test. Here’s how we rated different aspects of this coffee maker.

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