Can anyone help me understand World AeroPress Championship recipes?

Can anyone help me understand World AeroPress Championship recipes?

Can anyone help me understand World AeroPress Championship recipes?

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Can anyone help me understand World AeroPress Championship recipes?

Can anyone help me understand World AeroPress Championship recipes?

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Can anyone help me understand World AeroPress Championship recipes?

I should preface this by saying that I know all the usual caveats for WAC recipes. They're not practical for everyday home brewing, they're tuned to a specific coffee, they're made for a specific water composition, so on and so forth. I get that I can't expect to plug a given WAC recipe in for any coffee and get something magical from it. I don't really even care to try.

Rather, I'm curious about a very specific trend in WAC top flight recipes. Everything that I know (or think that I know) about making coffee indicates that it's ideal to chase the highest level of extraction possible without extracting "tannins". Everything that I (think I) know about brewing with an AeroPress indicates that maximizing extraction means grinding as fine as possible without causing channeling, using a relatively low dosage of coffee (e.g. 1:16), using very hot water, and steeping for as long as is feasible.

But basically every WAC top finisher for years now has done the exact opposite of all of this. They almost all seem to grind very coarse (they previously ranked the coarseness 1-10 where 1 is very fine and 10 very coarse, and it seems that 8/10 was the most common ranking given), use relatively cool water (80C is common, anything over 90C is rare, almost nobody ever uses 100C), steep for less time than the competition rules seem to allow them (almost universally brew times of less than two minutes), and most mystifyingly to me, use enormous doses of coffee (typically nothing lower than 1:11 even after dilution, and as high as 1:3 during the brew).

I'm just an amateur, but like I said, that's all nearly the exact opposite of what I've been taught results in good extraction. It seems like most WAC recipes would result in a wildly underextracted cup. This goes way beyond brews suited to a particular coffee – at first glance from my untrained eyes, it looks like most recipes go against what I thought were generally good brewing principles.

So why are so many of them like that? Am I fundamentally misunderstanding something about extraction and flavour, or is there something about the WAC tournament environment that adds context which I'm missing?

submitted by /u/AigisAegis
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