I'm getting more and more into washed or fermented blends and finding they have different requirements- or rather my preferences are different. I normally switch between French press, Moka pot and Aeropress. I'm finding with these more flavorful beans the...
College Station Coffee Delivery
College Station Coffee Delivery
College Station Coffee Delivery
College Station Coffee Delivery
College Station Coffee Delivery
College Station Coffee Delivery
Water Chemistry
I brew beer. A huge consideration for getting a perfect pint is water chemistry. How many parts per million(ppm) of sulfate? Ppm of calcium chloride? Etc. Is water chemistry a consideration when making the perfect cup? I know alot of cafes us RO water. I suspect a...
Does chaff affect coffee flavor?
I have heard Lance Hedrick mention that chaff either weakens a coffee’s flavor or it imparts a paper taste to it at worst. Sprometheus stated that it doesn’t unless the coffee dose is low. However, he did not account for bean variety, processing technique, or roast...
Double machine and grinder?
Is there a world where it makes sense to keep the silvia? I dont temp surf, I could add a pid but the silvia just cannot compete with the Brazilia. I do 2-4 shots 2-3 times a day over weekends. With guests up to 10 shots a time. 2 shots decaf 2-3 days during the week....
Breville Precision vs Oxo 8 Cup: How Important is Adjustable Water Temp?
Hi everyone, I'm mainly an Aeropress user, and gravitate a bit more towards medium and darker roasts. I have a good grinder (1zpresso JX). I'm tempted to buy the Oxo 8 cup, as it seems to do everything I need at a way cheaper price point than the Breville....
Expired Pre-Ground Cold Brew – OK to Drink?
Last summer I ordered pre-ground cold brew from a favorite local coffee shop and just found 2 bags in the back of a cabinet. Was surprised to find unused packages since I typically enjoy cold coffee year round in addition to hot coffee. Was wondering if it will still...
Freshly bought coffee becoming stale very quickly….
I seem to be getting an issue with my beans going stale very quickly. I lived in different countries and bought from many different roasters and when I open the bag it smells so fresh and with all the flavours. Give it a few days or maybe a week and the beans smell...
Baratza Encore
I just got an encore and set it up today. I had a little difficulty getting the hopper into place, it wasn’t clicking in as easily as the videos made it seem. I finally got it in and noticed when I adjust the grind it clicks like it’s adjusting but the red notch isn’t...
Espresso Scale Recommendations
Long story short: My Acaia Pearl S is too long to fit on the drip tray of my espresso machine. For years, I've just been pulling the tray out a few inches, and balancing the scale precariously, and sorta dealing with it. But since the drip tray is pushed out, the...
What Is the Best Way to Learn Latte Art?
I'm struggling to get the foam to be heavy enough maybe? Not sure how to get foam that makes the top white but also can push other stuff out of the way if that makes sense submitted by /u/radbrutter [link] [comments]
Maximizing Light Roasts At High Altitude/Elevation (V60)
Hey all, so I’ve been trying my darnedest to get proficient with the V60 since I got it for Xmas, with some decent results. I’ve been brewing 2-3 cups a day with it exclusively and for the most part really love it. The whole process is just fun to me- the equipment,...
Scaling V60 recipe
Hello, Following my usual recipe (using 1:16) of 16gr of coffee for 250ml water giving me great consistent results. What happens in regards to pouring time when I want to double it for 2 cups? If I bloom for 45 seconds for one cup, how does it scale for 2? Lost in the...
Cupping – is it the truth?
Hello All, I'm a newbie to the homebrewing world, and I've started off with launching myself into v60 pour over. I recently purchased a bag of washed Ethiopian light roast beans. All my brews I have made have had the most fantastic aroma - bergamot/concord...
handling temperature loss
To brew my daily pourover, I've been using water from a Zojurushi water boiler, and dispensing it into a kettle to pour onto the grounds. The water boiler is set to 208 degrees F, but I was surprised to learn via a pocket thermometer that the temperature drops to...
Is It Placebo, or Am I Just Ludicrously Discerning? (Brewed Coffee Freshness)
So I've started making as little coffee per filter as possible because literally thirty minutes after I make a pot, the coffee tastes bad. If I leave the hot plate on and there's not a lot of coffee in the carafe, it'll be burnt; if the hot plate is...
Should I minimise agitation on the second half of my pour in the V60? If so, how much?
I have been reading The Physics of Filter Coffee and after reading, I’m going to aim for 5g/s at a height (around 18cm) just below the point I hear splatter sounds so the breakup point is below the top of the coffee slurry. (I use a Stagg EKG) By doing this, it should...
The coffee sock
Hi you beautiful caffeinated people! 🙂 So there's this cup of coffee that I really loved so much back in my hometown that uses a coffee sock when filtering the grounds. I'm planning to buy a pair wink wink to see if I can duplicate the taste of the one I...
I’m unable to get a good cup no matter what I do
All the V60 brews I make are decent, but not good, and I don’t know why. I have a Comandante C40 and use 30 clicks for the 4:6 method. I’ve played around with 28, 29 and 31 and 32 clicks but found 30 to be the most suitable for the beans I’m using( Colombian Gesha). I...
Oat milk frothing up before reaching temperature
Hey all, I have a question about frothing oat milk which hopefully you can help with. Tried the daily question thread but to no avail :'( When frothing my oat milk, it seems to froth up heavily before it gets warm. My resulting cappuccinos/lattes are practically...
Am I Wasting Time and Money? (Rancilio Silvia)
A friend of mine had a 2011-2012 Rancilio Silvia in their closet collecting dust and not working, and I was lucky enough (?) to receive it. After replacing the gasket, shower screen, and steam wand, cleaning it out thoroughly, and getting it running (again, ?) I...
Reduce static mess in Fellow Ode by touching the catch|cup during grind
Since purchasing a Fellow Ode I’ve had issues with static causing fines to cling to the underside of the grinder and make a mess. I’ve tried sprinkling in water and it helps but still noticed that when I touched the catch|cup after grinding, I could perceive a static...
Filter blends vs Espresso blends + Aeropress
Hi, I’m new here and read the rules but in case I missed anything I apologise in advance 🙂 When I buy specialty coffee, I don’t often buy from roasters who specify espresso or filter on the packs, however on the few occasions I have the roasters have been correct...
Pouring Speed with 4:6 Method
I recently bought 2 Geshas, one from Colombia and one from Malawi, and thought it would be a good chance to revisit the 4:6 method. How fast should I pour using the 4:6? Do I go for an aggressive pour to increase agitation since there’s no stirring or swirling, or a...
How does everyone feel about new processing techniques like fruit maceration?
I had a bag of passion fruit-macerated Colombia Caturra from Coffee Project in NYC and absolutely fell in love with it. But...it's also been the only bag (and specific fruit) I've tried. I wonder if it's consistently good as a process? The passion fruit...