The perfect melitta one cup pour over recipe

The perfect melitta one cup pour over recipe

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The perfect melitta one cup pour over recipe

The perfect melitta one cup pour over recipe

The perfect melitta one cup pour over recipe

minimum dose size?

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The perfect melitta one cup pour over recipe

So taking suggestions from my last post, and through trial and error using at least 4 different methods, and making 80+ cups of coffee, I have finally settled for the perfect melitta pour over recipe.

First off use a medium fine grind as usual but go finer than you typically would for light roasts. Can’t give exact mm size grind bc I have a handheld wooden conical grinder, it’s not marked with numbers.

Now to brew: 1. Fill 2x the volume of your mug worth of water in a kettle. For me this was about 450g. Bring to a boil.

  1. Put your melitta pour over maker with cone inserted over mug, and pour enough water through to fully wet filter and fill mug. Dump this water in sink.

  2. Put mug w/ pourover insert on top onto scale. Turn on scale and measure out coffee at 1:17 ratio (about 27g for 450g water) into your filter. Pour enough water fresh off the boil to bloom grounds, approx 3x weight of dry coffee grounds. For me this was ~91g.

Note i found it very important to use boiling water, and did not have any issues “burning” the coffee, which is ridiculous in concept unless you’re using a very light roast in which case maybe lower water temp to preserve some of those flavors. With my light roast this method was fine, and was my preferable roast to use in fact, but I know some may be worried

  1. Starting at outer edge but pouring onto coffee grounds directly, not the paper, pour half of your remaining water going in circular motions starting from the outer edge going to middle. For me this was approximately 175g.

  2. Give a light stir and pour remaining water once most of your first pour has filtered through. Start your pour in the middle and go outwards making circular motions, and with the very last splash of water pour it directly and forcefully into the center, to help disrupt the coffee bed a bit. These melitta filters get clogged very easily.

  3. Let this filter through, if it seems to clog give it a swirl but if this happens more than twice close together, simply take the pour over maker off your mug, and put it into the sink

And that’s all! I usually let it sit a minute then add some honey to taste, and a bit of milk. I hope this helps someone because I had a hard time finding food melitta pour over recipes myself and this is very simple with reproducible results. Lmk what you all think and any suggestions!

Thanks, -Quandale

submitted by /u/QuandaleDingles
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