Last time I brewed coffee in a moka, I barely got any liquid from it to fill a regular mug. Considering that it's a 6-cup, that is concerning. My grind size was like salt (around 1-1.5 mm in diameter), I used freshly boiled water, and I brewed it on the lowest...
College Station Coffee Delivery
College Station Coffee Delivery
College Station Coffee Delivery
College Station Coffee Delivery
College Station Coffee Delivery
College Station Coffee Delivery
What Did I Do Wrong Here (French Press)
Alright so. I'm relatively new to coffee and such, but I have a french press that I use pretty regularly (and wash pretty regularly). I had a whole routine and wanted to upgrade it using James Hoffman's french press technique. I did pretty much everything...
Cuisinart DCC 1200 stopped working, won’t turn on when plugged in. Bought secondhand and worked well for only a few days, any advice?
Is it worth having someone look at it? I really like what it did for what I needed. Online sources say it could be the power cord or the circuit board? Is it worth the investment in new ones or does anyone know anything else about these machines. Any help greatly...
Coffee Temperature Moccamaster select / Ember mug
Hi there, The initial temperature after pouring my fresh brewed coffee in my ember mug is 155 degrees Fahrenheit. Is that considered a normal temperature or is it too low? I was expecting a higher temperature for the coffee coming from my Moccamaster select. 155 / 156...
[Question] Delonghi Dedica or something else in that price range? Any owners want to share their thoughts?
For €120, I was thinking of getting the Dedica. The main thing holding me back is that I'm worried that, not having a grinder, I would end up making better coffee with my stovetop Bialetti, which gives me a thick espresso-style coffee (granted, with little to no...
Pre-heating a glass v60 with steam Edit: if you try this, be careful. Steam is super hot and can burn the heck out of you. TL;DR electric kettle steam heats my...
1Zpresso EU order custom taxes
Hello, If I read their website correctly, 1Zpresso mention: "Orders for the “Q2 (without cases)”within the European Union (EU) will be dispatched from Europe directly." I asked them if I could avoid custom taxes this way but their answer wasn't clear:...
Free costa drink
I have a free costa drink (uk only) that expires today. I’d rather it gets used. I can’t gift it but I can send you a screenshot of the QR code. First comment gets it. submitted by /u/moominnnn [link] [comments]
I enjoy making coffee almost as much as drinking it (sometimes more)
Since getting a V60 a couple months ago, making coffee is just so beautiful and relaxing. Nailing the drawdown time and getting a flat bed and perfectly balanced cup at the end add that extra touch that makes the drink itself just a little more enjoyable. Sometimes...
How to Describe Bitterness
My sister enjoys coffee, but always insists on adding a ton of cream in order to cut what she calls "bitterness." I believe she's using bitterness to describe strength and I'm trying to find a way to help her distinguish the difference between...
V60 bloom size experiment
I was curious about the affect of bloom size on taste with a V60, but I couldn't find much info online so I did a little experiment at work with 4 V60s, and trying - as much as possible - to only change the bloom size and keep everything else the same. Here are...
Dead Mahlkonig Peak grinder – bad caps? bad motor?
The other day I found a Mahlkonig Peak in front of an office building, ready to go out with the curbside trash. (If you've never had this experience, I strongly recommend it.) I took it home, found that the motor didn't run. Took it apart, cleaned...
Coffee suggestions from Turkey?
Hey guys, so my friend is on a trip to turkey and he’s been wanting to bring back good Turkish coffee for me. Can you please suggest some good places or brands that you think he should try/get for me. submitted by /u/melowshot [link] ...
I served specialty coffee to my family this weekend…
I served my family a selection of an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe and a Anaerobic processed Single Origin from Honduras. What a waste of great coffee and money. Nobody appreciated the flavors and they really disliked the funkiness of the anaerobic coffee. I get that...
Coffee machines
Hey just joined this sub as I’m looking to buy a coffee machine for at home, not one with pods or anything like that just a regular coffee machine with a steam spout and stuff. Wondering if there’s any specific ones I should go for (budget max €300-400) ...
Picked up this vintage coffeemaker but I don’t think all parts are original. Where did the drippy parts originally come from? Pardon the illiteracy in coffee maker terms please.
submitted by /u/BrightEmptySpaces [link] [comments]
So i drink Turkish coffee for a while now and i just had enough from this earthy mudy coffee, and now i want to brew in another way, So i eant to ask which one better french press or aeropress? And is there any deference between them? Thanks submitted by ...
Gaggia Classic Pro vs Breville/Sage Barista Express
Amateur home brewer and latte art enthusiast here! I used to have a Delonghi Dedica before moving about and having to sell most of my gear. I've been looking into new options (in the £400-500 range) when I spotted both machines mentioned above for similar prices...
coffee storage question
Good morning everyone, I've only recently discovered the joys of coffee and with a new pup in the house I haven't committed to getting a grinder and doing whole bean yet. That said this morning I opened my bag of fresh ground coffee and it split right down...
(dumb question) While using commercial HX coffee machine with a – let’s say 3 kW heating element and 10l boiler – for a few shots per day at home, is the full power being drawn from the outlet only when the boiler is heating or also while the machine is not in use but ready to pull shots?
Hypothetically speaking, if I use a 2 group pro coffee machine at home with a strong heating element and wanna make a maximum of 10 shots per day, is it a total "Wattage consumption monster" if turn it on in the morning and turn it off in the evening or not?...
Light roasts leaving bitter, smoky aftertaste
After 10 or so years of drinking mostly black instant coffee (Nescafe), I quickly fell in love with sweet, plesantly acidic tastes that lightly roasted specialty coffeess have to offer. For a few months, I had a fantastic time - no more harsh bitterness, no more...
[Video][James Hoffmann] A Better 1 Cup V60 Technique
submitted by /u/crobat3 [link] [comments]
(Dumb question) Is it ok for v60/Pour Over brews to pass 4 minutes, seemingly regardless of origin/variety?
I've been in coffee for about 4 years now. In the beginning, it was ingrained in me that v60 brews should be between 3-3:30 minutes long. I've watched brewers cups, Onyx brew breakdowns, etc. And nearly all of it has reinstated that fact. A pour-over brew...
[MOD] The Official Deal Thread – Black Friday/Cyber Monday edition
Welcome to the /r/Coffee deal and promotional thread! In this weekly thread, industry folk can post upcoming deals or other promotions their companies are holding, or promote new products to /r/Coffee subscribers! Regular users can also post deals they come across....