College Station Coffee Delivery

College Station Coffee Delivery

College Station Coffee Delivery

College Station Coffee Delivery

Brewing coffee on a 1000w inverter?

Hey all, I have quite a specific situation. I work in the trades and have a van with a 1000w inverter and I’m trying to find a way to make coffee for the cold winters. I need something that heats water and preferably does pods for convenience and ease of cleanup....

1Zpresso J-Max related straining issues

Hello, I recently picked up a 1Zpresso J-Max. I primarily make pour-over coffee with a V60. Since buying this hand grinder I have had some issues with slow straining. First, I have already tried the typical culprits to this issue; either too fine of grinds or swirling...

What can I do about hard water?

My house is on a well. The water seems hard and has iron. We have equipment installed that partially mitigates this, but when I brew coffee with this water it doesn’t taste that great. I’ve been having better luck with bottled water, but I don’t like the plastic...

Bitter vs Astringent

This morning I brewed a coffee that was bitter/harsh but not astringent using my df64 w/SSP. When I make the same coffee with my conical grinder I notice if I grind to fine I can get a lot astringency and bitterness. How does brewing/grind size bring out one and not...

You guys are crazy

And it's awesome. Mad respect to everyone here that has delved so deep into this hobby and developed such an intricate appreciation for the bean water. But for real, yall are crazy. I came here hoping to find a recommendation for a standard coffee maker to gift...

Coffee grinders – why so ugly?

Why are most, almost all, coffee grinders so ugly? I know that’s not the purpose, but they are large and take up a lot of space in the kitchen and it would be nice for it to be more aesthetically pleasing. The only one I can think of being actually visually appealing...

Issues Coffee Gadgets Studio?

Does anyone have a bad experience or know of issues with Coffee Gadgets Studio out of Singapore. They sell through Etsy and their own website. Last Friday I ordered something from their webshop and now I no longer seem to be able to reach it:...

Considering a setup simplification

I’ve been considering to shrink my coffee setup to focus on simplicity and quality and wanted to bounce the plan here if it makes any sense or if anyone else has had similar thoughts. This comes mostly down to espresso, although I’ve enjoyed the journey, lately it’s...

Vietnamese specialty coffee EU?

Doese anybody know if there is a roster in EU that offeres specialty vietnamese coffee? Ive been looking around and could only finde VCC (Vietnamese Coffee Co.) but i would'nt call it specialty coffee per se submitted by /u/luxThePanda [link] ...

Water Temperature vs Brew Temperature

Ok, I'm just starting down the rabbit hole here - I mean I've read a bit about it, but I want a little point clarified. When we talk about brew temperature - are we talking about what temperature the water is heated to before it hits the (ground) beans, or...

Looking to upgrade kettle

So I'm deciding between the bonavita or Oxo tempature adjustable kettles. I'm in Canada with the bonavita being around 140, Oxo 160. I saw some stuff about bonavita being rust prone. Just curious suggestion submitted by /u/Sir_Gnome_ [link]...

bean grinding help?

hi everyone, my boyfriend is a huge coffee fanatic and I am out of my skill set here. I just got him some nice coffee beans today freshly ground and when I opened them up, they were pretty coarsely ground. he has an espresso machine which I’m pretty sure requires a...

College Station Coffee Delivery

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