College Station Coffee Delivery

College Station Coffee Delivery

Hawaiian Legislators Introduce Bills for Stricter Coffee Labeling

Legislators representing the Kona district of Hawaii have introduced a series of bills that would require more strict labeling requirements for single-origin coffees and blends containing Hawaiian-grown coffees. Some Kona…

María Andrée Is Honing Olfactory Skills in Antigua 

A sensorial class in Guatemala at Artista de Café teaches how to use your nose for the ultimate coffee experience. BY JORDAN BUCHANANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Arista de Café Walking into a specialty café in Guatemala, your nostrils are infused with aromas from the best coffees in the country. Your nose recollects the […]

Brewing at Home and On the Road with Darrin Daniel

We check in with the Cup of Excellence executive director to learn his current coffee-brewing habits. BY TANYA NANETTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Featured photo by Emre via Unsplash Brewing coffee is, for many coffee professionals, more than just a job.   They usually brew coffee every day, both for themselves and their customers. Perhaps they do it […]

Pick Your Pourover: Comparing and Contrasting the Most Popular Models

The Hario V60, Kalita Wave, and Chemex are three of the most popular pourover devices. Today, we’re comparing the three to help you determine which is the right choice for you. BY EMILY MENESES BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Featured photo by Julien Labelle via Unsplash Ah, the pourover—this tried-and-true form of brewing is sacred in the […]

College Station Coffee Delivery

The Barista League Releases New Competition Calendar

Presenter of sustainable, accessible events, The Barista League plans to hold 12 competitions in 10 countries in the months ahead. BY J. MARIE CARLANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of The Barista League The Barista League has officially announced its event roster for the next year. Last year saw 10 Barista League events worldwide, and the […]

10 (More) Minutes With Helena Oliviero

Today we continue our conversation with Helena Oliviero about her coffee career and life on a Colombian finca. BY TANYA NANETTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos courtesy of Helena Oliviero Barista Magazine: Let’s talk about living on a Colombian coffee farm, Finca Palma Roja. How do you spend your days? What’s usually happening on a busy coffee […]

The Origin Story of Turtle Island Coffee in Vancouver, B.C.

A new Indigenous-owned coffee company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, called Turtle Island Coffee has launched with the goal of exposing more people to high quality specialty coffee and Indigenous…

Competition, Cold, and More from the 2024 U.S. Coffee Competition Qualifiers in Houston

The first round of qualifiers for the 2024 season of the United States Coffee Competitions featured the U.S. Barista, Cup Tasters, and Roasters qualifying competitions. BY KATE VAN PETTENSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE Photos courtesy of U.S. CoffeeChamps The first round of qualifiers for the 2024 season of the United States Coffee Competitions took place January […]

College Station Coffee Delivery

College Station Coffee Delivery

LF grinder suggestions

Probably the 1000th grinder suggestion post but here goes: 20 years of service from my Krupps GVX2 and it’s finally kicked the bucket. I’m looking for a decent replacement. I’m kind of between a Baratza Encore and a Baratza Sette 270. I currently use a 1zpresso JX Pro...

Grinder Reccomendations (revisited)

I had posted this last night, but it was deleted for not being substantial. I had also accidentally posted just the picture before that and thought I deleted the post, but it was still there and my substantial post is not. I'm thinking it was the other post with...

French press

Is it bad to use a French press if I already struggle with gastritis and reflux? My husband just casually told me my worsening symptoms could be from my recent (4 weeks or so) change from a classic drip to French press. Thoughts? submitted by ...

What happened to African coffees?

Who else remembers 2012 Ethiopians being Blueberry bombs, or Kenyans having Grapefruit acidity? I feel like in recent years coffee from Ethiopia has been super delicate, floral, which is also enjoyable, but some days I am craving the fruit bomb of a washed Ethiopia...

Kasuya’s new Hario Switch recipe

I saw this on his Instagram and took a look. It was pretty interesting to me how he lowered the temperature of the water quite a bit in the steeping phase. I gave it a try just now, and I felt like mine was a just little too watered down. I used the same ratio as him...

Can’t get decent timed shots.

Hey guys, I recently upgraded my Dedica 685 with Rancilio Steamer to a used and nodded Gaggia classic with PID and 9 bar Spring. I’m rocking the J-Max as grinder. My puck prep is weighing 18g, grind, in the basket (vst 18g and IMS Comp. 16/18g) and then using the wdt...

Using coffee fines?

Ive recently jumped down the coffee rabbit hole. My grinder is the DBM8 which is producing a good amount of fines. I experimented with sifting the coffee grounds to eliminated some of the fines. Its worked well and i can get a great cup of coffee,only draw back is...

Trick for iced coffee in the morning?

I make my iced coffee in the morning using a 3-cup moka pot, the trouble is it's inconvenient and cuts into my time in the morning. I have to stick the coffee in the freezer to cool down as rapidly as possible, which takes around 30 mins. I'm not willing to...

Single dose, travel cold brew espressos

I had a thought yesterday about my morning coffee fix when I’m undertaking multi day adventures (cycling & running). The disciplines require a super lightweight set up, and will be in remote places so camping equipment to brew a coffee isn’t ideal. I was thinking...

Make your own half caff?

Yes. Sacrilege. I know. However, I’ve been experimenting and I find that reducing the caffeine makes a huge difference in my overall energy levels. Tend to use aero press vs almost anything else. Anyone else experiment with this. 41/m/US submitted by ...

specialty coffee in Tromsø, Norway?

I'm going this week to visit Tromsø for a couple of days with hope of spotting northern lights. For those of you who know the place or have been there, is there any good specialty coffee place there, or one to avoid? Is there something noteworthy and...

Brewing small amounts of coffee

I've been searching around for guidance on this but haven't found much. I'm quite sensitive to caffeine so tend to only use 6g of coffee beans with around 100g of water in my v60 each morning. It tends to work fine, but all recipes I've come across...

College Station Coffee Delivery

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